Friday, August 31, 2012

Am glad there's someone a little more liberal here, someone who wouldn't judge you according to the people you talk to, whatever you say. It's just great to know someone like that exists, even if you don't get to talk much. Someone I don't know too well said I seem like I don't care about what others think of me, I guess I don't give a damn if they think I'm weird. Because I am. Just that when it comes to things like character and stuff, I'm not really sure. It's hard to tell if there's really a problem with your personality, or that they're just personality clashes. Or a difference in values.

On a lighter note, today's a rather good day because I feel my brain's functioning well for the first time in three months. Thanks to coffee. Maybe it really is the lack of sleep that's killing me and not any case of mysteriously disappearing IQ. 4am nights aren't the way to go huh. I don't even know what I do.

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